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History Class VIII Trail Exam Model Answer 2023

Section A [30 Marks]

       Question 1                                                                                                                                   [15]

For each question, there are four alternatives: A, B, C, and D. Choose the correct alternative and circle it. Do not circle more than ONE alternative. If there is more than ONE choice circled, NO score will be awarded.

     i.      Bon religious traditions are generally categorized as Bon-nag and Bon-kar. Which of the following is an attribute of Bon-nag?

A.    ritual dance wearing black attire

B.     use of effigies to appease the local deities

C.    appeasement of deities with animal sacrifice

D.    interaction with a spirit world through an altered state of consciousness.

      ii.    Dzongs in Bhutan are categorized based on chronological classification. Which era does the dzong featured in the picture belong to?

A.    Modern

B.     Medieval

C.    Post Modern

D.    Early Medieval


iii.    Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal was born in central Tibet and belonged to the lineage of

A.    Gya

B.     Hobtsho

C.    Hungrel

D.    Dungkar

     iv.          From the spiritual context, which of the following BEST states Zhabdrung’s decision to leave Tibet?

A.    He was invited by Hobtsho Lam of Gasa.

B.     He had a dream about a black raven (Yeshey Goenpo) flying        towards Bhutan.

C.    He had a dispute with the Tsang Desi over the reincarnation of Kuenkhen Pema Karpo.

D.    He was following the footsteps of his ancestors who had a large number of followers in Bhutan.

v.      Jigme Namgyal rose from the lowest rank to the highest position fulfilling his destiny. In this context, arrange the posts held by Jigme Namgyal in the correct sequence.

            A.    II, IV, III,I

B.     II, III, I,IV

C.    III, II, V,I

D.    IV, I, II,III

      vi.                 Khoma Gewog in Lhuentse Dzongkhag is popularly known for designing beautiful textiles such as Kishuthara. Which of the following Ashi was the patron of traditional weaving in the early 20th century?

A.    Ashi Choden

B.     Ashi Pema Choeki

C.    Ashi Rinchen Pemo

D.    Ashi Tsundrue Lhamo

vii.      Which of the following justifies Trongsa Poenlop Ugyen Wangchuck as a diplomat and a successful mediator?

A.    He signed the Anglo-Tibetan Treaty on behalf of the British.

B.   .                                                              He successfully negotiated the signing of the Treaty at Potala.

C.    He successfully initiated the signing of the Treaty at Punakha.

D.    He created a system of alliance with neighboring countries in the interest of the country.

viii.         Following are the logos of the Political parties in Bhutan. Identify the logo that represents the present Ruling government in Bhutan.

A.    I

B.     II

C.    III

D.    IV

ix.        Article 7 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan states, that a Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech, opinion, and expression.

The above clause best describes

A.    the civil domain of citizenship

B.     the cultural domain of citizenship

C.    the political domain of citizenship

D.    socio-economic domain of citizenship

x.             A researcher interested in studying the origin of a town’s name interviews several people in the village. The people in the survey are

A.    Oral sources.

B.     Local sources.

C.    Primary sources.

D.    Secondary sources. 

xi.         In the Neolithic age, people started to live in permanent settlements. All the following are the advantages of living in a permanent settlement EXCEPT

A.    there was safety and security.

B                                                                                 .  it led to the development of social hierarchy.

C.    they could live in an organized society.

D.    farming and domestication of animals were possible.


     xii.     The theory of evolution shows that

A.    Humans evolved from monkeys

B.     Monkeys evolved from human

C.    Humans and monkeys evolved from apes

D.    Humans and apes have a common ancestor

xiii.      A democratic form of government is characterized by

A.    a single-party system.

B.     a minimal government interference.

C                                                                            .  the right to vote and elect their representatives.

D.  a state-controlled production and consumption.

xiv.          The industrial revolution in Europe led to imperialism. Which of the following would the people in an imperialist country experience?

A.    cultural domination

B.     economic domination

C.    socio-cultural domination

D.    socio-economic domination

xv.      The Eight-Fold Paths includes the idea that we must

A.    believe in one god.

B.     disregard other religions.

C.    work to uplift our well-being.

D.    Worship images of Buddha

         Question 2.                                                                                                                        [5]

        Write (T) True or (F) False against each statement in the brackets.


i.                    Beyul is an internally sanctified land where Guru Rinpoche hid various       Termas. (True)

ii.                  Chogi Dzongchen are dzongs built before the arrival of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. (False )

iii.                Jigme Namgyal became the undisputed leader after he assumed the post of Desi. (True )

iv.                Ugyen Wangchuck was rewarded the post of Paro Poenlop for his bravery in his first military venture. (True )

v.                  The general election is held to fill a vacancy in a particular constituency. (True )

         Questions 3.                                                                                                                     [5]

       Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word(s)

i.                    The earliest trace of Buddhism in Bhutan is evident from Kyichu Lhakhang in Paro and Jampa Lhakhang in Bumthang.

ii.                  The most important relic brought by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal from Tibet to Bhutan was Rangjung Kharsapni.

iii.                Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck established the first modern school at Haa in 1912 CE.

iv.                Folklore, songs, and beliefs are some examples of Primary/Non-material sources that are authentic and reliable sources of information.

v.                    Right Concentration involves the performance of mindful and deliberate actions.

      Question 4                                                                                                                                        [5]

Match each item in column I against the most appropriate item in column II. Write the letter against the number in column III.


a.                  v. Mecca

b.                  iv. Sharchop

c.                  i. Trongsa Dzong

d.                  -------------

e.                  ii. Auspicious Sign

f.                   iii. 1825 CE

SECTION B [50 Marks]

Question 5                                                                                                                          [2]

I.              Answer the following questions concerning Drukpa Kagyud School.

a.       Founder: Drogon Tsangpa Gyaray Yeshey Dorji

b.       Title of religious head in Bhutan: Je Khenpo


II.           Guru Rinpoche visited Bhutan three times to Bhutan. Choose any TWO visits of Guru Rinpoche and write its outcome.                                                                      [2]


 First Visit (Bumthang). Outcome-cured the illness of King Sendha or subdued Shelging Karpo, the local deity of Bumthang, and blessed Nabji in Trongsa.

Second Visit (Tibet )--- Blessed Aja Ney and Be Langdrag as Beyul and subdued the demon at Gomkora in Trashigang. Meditated at Paro Taktsang.

Third Visit (Tibet)-----Sealed Khengpajong as Beyul.   (Any Two)

III.        Write FOUR points to depict the historical significance of any dzong built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.                                                                                 [4]


The historical importance of the dzong:

i.                    Used for defence purposes against the invasion

ii.                  Used as a centre for religious teaching

iii.                Used as an administrative office

iv.                Used as a residential house for monks

v.                  Used for protection of treasures.    (Any FOUR)                                                        

IV.        Write any TWO auspicious signs of the coming of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to Bhutan.                                                                                                       [2]


1.      The vision of Raven flying towards the south of Tibet

2.      Encountered a bundle of paddy stalks at the doorstep in the morning.

Question 6

I.   Explain the reasons behind Zhabdrung ‘turning the Horse southward’ from Tibet.               [3]


1.      Outer Reason:

Dispute with Tsang Desi over the reincarnation of Kunkhyen Pema Karpo.

2.      Inner Reason:

Invitation by the Bhutanese people such as Tenzin Drugyal and Obtsho family.

3.      Sacred Reason:

The vision of Raven (symbolic Representation of Yeshi Gonpo) flying towards the south.

II.                Jigme Namgyal refused to hand over the post of Trongsa Poenlop to Tsuendrue Gyaltshen according to the agreement made earlier. Do you think it was a wise decision on the part of Jigme Namgyal? Support your answer with TWO reasons.                                              [4]


Yes, it was a wise decision because:

i.                    No one could control the internal strifes in the country or he was suitable for the post of Trongsa Poenlop.

ii.                  Jigme Namgyal was destined to be the leader

iii.                There will be several internal strifes without Jigme Namgyal as Trongsa Poenlop.


No, it wasn’t a wise decision because:

i.                    Jigme Namgyal failed to keep the promise which is not his character of trustworthiness and loyal,

ii.                  The Battle of Shamkhar could have been prevented if he had handed over the post to Tsondrue Gyaltshen.

III.             Trongsa Poenlop Ugyen Wangchuck forgave and accommodated many rivals. He used force to suppress the rivals and rebellions when required. If you were Ugyen Wangchuck how would you have handled the situation differently?                                                              [3]


If I were Ugyen Wangchuck, I would have used the following strategies:

i.                    Not interfering in the conflict if the problem is among the family members like he had ignored when his two uncles were engaged in the conflict.

ii.                  Negotiate and solve the problem with the rivals peacefully as he tried with his adopted brothers when thy tried to rebel against him.

iii.                He appointed the trusted friends and families on the key positions so that there would not be any rebellions in the future.

Question 7

I.                   Sir Ugyen Wangchuck was enthroned as the first hereditary Druk Gyalpo on 17 December 1907. Explain the THREE circumstances that led to the establishment of hereditary monarchy.                                                                                      [3]

Ans. The three circumstances are:

i.                    The throne of Druk Desi was empty when the last Desi Chogley Yeshey Ngedrup retired in 1906.

ii.                  The theocratic system of government was not functioning well due to frequent conflicts arising because of power struggles.

iii.                Gongzim Ugyen Dorji submitted a proposal to appoint Ugyen Wangchuck as the hereditary king.

II.                Three rounds of Parliamentary elections were conducted in Bhutan since 2008. What is the importance of elections in the context of democracy? Write THREE points.                                 [3]

Ans. The election is important because,

i.                    Without election, it is not possible to practice the democratic government system in the country.

ii.                  It provides the people to apply their Fundamental Right of voting as per the Constitution of Bhutan.

iii.                It allows the citizen to choose their representative or the leader.

iv.                Election acts as an measuring yard for the political parties. People will choose a capable leader or a party according to their performance. If the ruling government does not function well, people can choose the other political party.

III.             What are the attributes of a good citizen? Explain TWO attributes.                                      [2]


i.                    Loyal and Faithful: A good citizen should be loyal and faithful to the Tsa-Wa-Sum.

ii.                  Respect the laws: A good citizen should respect the laws of the country.

iii.                Knows rights and duties: a good citizen knows one's rights and duties.


IV.             If you get a chance to travel back in time and meet Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal, What TWO questions would you ask him?                                          [2]


i.                    How was your journey from Kurtoe to Trongsa?

ii.                  How did you become the Trongsa Poenlop?

iii.                Narrate an incident in that you believed that you had served your master with loyalty.

iv.                How did you save the life of your son Ugyen Wangchuck when he was captured by the rival Damchoe Rinchen at Paro? etc 

Question 8

I.      Distinguish between Homo Habilis and Homo Sapiens based on the following:                       [3]


Homo Habilis      (Turkana, Kenya)  -------Hunting, gathering, scavenging, 800 cc. 

Homo Sapiens  (Germany)------------1450 cc, appearance similar to modern human

I.      Write any THREE merits and demerits of a Totalitarian form of government.        [3]



       1.      Decision-making is easy       

       2.       equality

       3.      efficient use of resources

        1.      Single party (dictatorship)

        2.      No freedom of speech

        3. Censorship (media)


I.                   Religion teaches that spiritual improvement will lead to escape from human suffering. Do you agree? Support your answer with THREE reasons.                                                   [3]


Yes, I agree that religion teaches spiritual improvement and escape from suffering.

1.      The Four Noble Truths of the Lord Buddha explain that the world is full of suffering and the cause of suffering is the desire.

2.      Buddha taught that practicing the Eightfold Path will remove suffering in the world. For example,

i.                    Practicing the Right Action, Right Speech, Right Concentration, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Livelihood, Right Intention, and Right View in our lives will bring peace to the world.


II.                Give TWO examples of sacred sites of Guru Rinpochhe in Bhutan.               [1]

Ans.  (i) Aja Ney in Monggar, (ii) Pemaling in Trashi Yangtsi, (iii) Singye Dzong in Lhuntsi, (iv) Kurje in Bumthang, etc.

Question 9

I.                   Bhutan was known as ‘Beyul’- the hidden land blessed by Guru Rinpoche. Why? Mention any THREE reasons.                                                                                               [3]


i.                    Bhutan’s geographical landscape fits the description of a Beyul.

ii.                  Guru Rinpochhe deposited termas (treasures) in Bhutan which are being discovered by the tertoens.

iii.                Guru Rinpoche blessed the land during his visits to the Himalayas.

II.                Guru Rinpoche is revered as the patron saint of Bhutan. Explain the influences of Guru Rinpoche’s visits on the socio-cultural life of Bhutanese people.                                        [2]


Guru Rinpoche’s visit to Bhutan had so many influences on the people.

i.                    The tradition of tantric practice (Tantricism or Tantric Buddhism) is a legacy of Guru Rinpoche.

ii.                  The Nyingma tradition of Buddhism which is still practiced in Bhutan was the teachings of Guru Rinpochhe.

iii.                The sacred sites of Guru Rinpochhe in Bhutan are also the source of faith for Buddhism in Bhutan (meaning, people visit the sacred sites on pilgrimages).

III.             Explain yourself as an active participant in society with the responsibility to work with others for the social benefit.                                                                     [3]                                                                                                       

Ans. Following are some of the responsibilities I do for the social benefit:

i.                    Take care of the garbage and waste materials in the school every morning during the SUPW activity

ii.                  I do not keep the water tap open after use or always close the water tap if it remain open.

iii.                Help the younger ones and older people when they are in need.

IV.             Explain the importance of political parties in the context of democracy.                  [2]

Ans. The importance of Political parties in democracy is:

1.      Political parties act as a bridge between the government and the people.

2.      They provide the people the choice of leaders and representatives as well as use the fundamental rights and duties (of voting).

3.      They help in the continuation of the government after the ruling government completes its 5-year term.




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