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State and the Government


State: is a Political and legal entity.

Government: is an organization formed by group of people to look after the administration of the Country.



Attributes of a State:

A State should be characterized by following attributes:


The population is an essential element of the State without which the State cannot come into existence. No State can exist in an uninhabited land nor any state if there is no population. For the state to exist a sound population living in groups is required as the state is bigger than a mere combination of five or seven families that forms a village.

Fixed Border/ Territory:

Another element of the state is its fixed territory. Without a fixed territory there can be no state. It is only with a fixed border that a state can be established. Like population, there is no fixed limit of the territory. It can be as small as Monaco and as big as Canada. No principle can be laid down as to the size of a State. Size moreover is no index of greatness. There are many other elements connected with territory which makes for greatness. Climate, the temperament of the people, geographical configuration, and natural resources are all important factors in deciding both the size and the greatness of a State.

Existence of Central Government:

The Government is the third essential element of the state. Government is the agency that formulates and expresses the will of the state and maintains law and order in the state. The Government as the organization of the state is the organ of unity whereby the common purposes which underlie unity are definitely translated into practical reality. The Government is the outward manifestation of the state, and as such is the organization of the common purposes of the people. The Government has three principal organs: the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. They formulate the laws, execute them and perform judicial functions.


A necessary and vital element of the state is sovereignty. It is in fact the supreme element of statehood and symbolizes the soul of the state. As the supreme power of the state it implies that it has full and final authority over all the individuals and over the associations of individuals within the boundaries of the state.



      1.      A state is the biggest entity of a nation       

     1.      Government is only one element of the state

      2.      State is permanent

     2.      Government is temporary and works on behalf of state

     3.      Whole population are the members of a state

     3.      Few members make a government

    4.      Sovereignty belongs to the state

4.Government is an Agency or Agent of the State


Source: Google

Bhutan as a ‘Nation-State’

Why is Bhutan a nation-state? Bhutan as a ‘State’ can be evident from the existence of the attributes where it has its own respected international boundaries. Bhutan has existed as a nation since people first began to live in different areas. Our society is made up of different races. For example, the Tshanglas (Sharchops) as a race has lived in parts of eastern Bhutan, while Khengpas have lived in parts of central Bhutan for such a long time. Ngalong community occupies most portions of the western region and Lhotshams in the southern region of the country. These populations constitutes the different races of the population of the country. The Tshanglas and the Khengpas fulfil the idea of nation. Today our existence as an independent sovereign state with people of different races is in conjunction with the definition accorded to countries like Britain.

Bhutanese were united under Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (The Lamaist Ruler) since the Choe-sid System (Dual Government) under the theocratic governance system in the early 17th Century CE. The founding of Hereditary Monarchy by Sir Ugyen Wangchuck (First Monarch) further strengthened the country under his strong monarchial government. Today, with the need of change in the governance system in the modern times, the Monarchs (especially the Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck, 1972-2006) introduced the democratic government system in 2008 enhancing the greater responsibility on to the citizens.

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