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Coronation (Ser Thri Nga Soel) of the Fifth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck


The enthronement of the Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck formally took place on November 6, 2008 following the rich traditional manner. The coronation ceremony has three sequential stages.

First Stage

The ceremony began on November 1, 2008, His Majesty enters the Machhen to offer the private rite, consummating the commitment (Khelang Damchag) to govern for the wellbeing of the nation and the peopleand, receives Dhar Kha Nga (Five different colours of silken Scarf) at the shrine of Machhen (entombed body of Zhabdrung) inside the historic Pungthang Dewa Chhenpoi Phodrang (Punakha Dzong). The act ofreceiving and wearing the five-coloured silken scarfs is an embodiment of His Majesty receiving the Dhar from Zhabdrung (founder of Bhutan). After receiving the Dhar Kha Nga, His Majesty ascends the Golden Throne followed by Zhugdrel Ceremony, offering of Kusung Medrel and recitation of prayers.

*The scarfs of five different colours (White, yellow, red, blue and green) represent celestial Buddha of the five cardinal direction/Five Wisdom Buddha (Gyalwa Rig Nga). It also represent the rainbow as well as the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space).

Second Stage

The enthronement ceremony is followed by crowning of His Majesty the King with the Raven Crown by His Majesty the Fourth King in the Throne Room (Ser Thri) in Tashichhoedzong in the presence of guest and dignitaries from within and foreign countries on November 6, 2008

Source: Google.

After the crowning, ritual offerings were made for the longevity of the His Majesty:

·         Seven royal emblems (Gyalsid Na Duen)-

the precious golden wheel (Khorlo Rinpoche),

            the precious wish-fulfilling jewel (Norbu Rinpoche),

the precious queen ( Tsunmo Rinpoche),

the precious minister (yonpo Rinpoche),

the precious elephant (Langpo Rinpoche),

the precious horse (Tachog  Rinpoche), and

the precious general (Magpoen Rinpoche)


·         Eight auspicious signs (Tashi Tag Gyed)

Dug – Parasol.

Sernya – A pair of Fishes.

Bumpa- Treasure Vase.

Lotus – Padma.

Dungkhar – Conch Shell.

Palbheu (Endless Knot)

Gyaltshen (Victory Banner)

Khorlo – The wheel of Dharma.


·         Ku-Sung-Thug Ghi Mendrel.


Third Stage

On November 7, 2008, His Majesty addressed the nation from Changlimithang on his aspirations for the reign and presenting himself to the people. The three days celebration at Changlimithang was joined by the people from all across the country offering the prayers and sharing jubilant moment on the occasion. People offered Kha dhar (silken scarf) individually to the king while enroute to Thimphu from Punakha and during the celebration at Changlimithang.

                                   HM's Coronation Address, Changlimithang Pavillion (2008). Source: YouTube.


 Coronation Address. Source: Google.

Image source: T. Tobgay.



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