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Class VIII Bhutan History Model Questions and Answers (2023)


Bhutan History

Chapter: Buddhism-The Light on the Nation’s Path

1.      Define the following terms:

i.                    Animism               ii. Shamanism   iii. Bonism   iv. Buddhism.


  Animism: The process of worshiping and belief in the natural elements for seeking protection.

    Shamanism: The practice of interaction with the spirit world performed by Shamans.

    Bonism: The practice of worshipping the natural elements through offerings or sacrificing live animals to appease the spirits and deities.

   Buddhism: The religious practices according to the teaching of Lord Buddha [or] The practice of the teachings of Lord Buddha.

2.      What are the two types of Bonism practices?


Bon-Kar (White Bonism)

Bon-Nag (Black Bonism)

Worshipping of spirits and deities by offering statuettes or effigies instead of live animal sacrifices.

Worshipping of spirits and deities by sacrificing live animals.


3.      Which parts of the Bhutanese community practice the Bon-Nag or Black Bon?

Ans. In Bhutan, only communities such as Lhop (in Samtse) and Monpa continue the practice of Bon-Nag by sacrificing live animals to appease the spirits and local deities.

4.      Bonism is still practiced in Bhutan. Do you agree? Give two examples to support your answer.

Ans. Yes, I agree that Bonism is still practiced in Bhutan. For example, the Bonism practice in Monggar is called Kharphu, Yak Lhai (Yak Choe) in Ura, Bumthang, Chodpa in Zhemgang, Bonkor in Haa, Chhaa in Lhuntsi and Lhabon in Trongsa.

Ura Yak Chhoe (Yak Lhai) Tradition.
Source: Bumthang Dzongkhag Website

Lhabon Tradition in Trongsa.

5.      What is meant by the term ‘Pre-Buddhist Period’ in Butan?

Ans. Pre-Buddhist Period means the period before Buddhism spread in Bhutan.

6.      Buddhism reached in Bhutan before Guru Rinpoche’s visit. Do you agree? Give three points to support your answer. [OR] Give Three pieces of evidence to prove that Buddhism was already spread in Bhutan before Guru Rinpoche.

Ans. The three pieces of evidence to prove that Buddhism had already spread in Bhutan before Guru Rinpoche’s visit are:

i.                    Duntim Ney near Amo Chhu river valley in Phuentsholing is related to Rigdzin Garab Dorji, an Indian Buddhist who was believed to have meditated near the river and was believed to have dissolved in rainbow light during the 1st and 2nd Century CE.

ii.                  Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire in India helped spread Buddha’s teachings to different parts of the world. Since Bhutan is near India, Bhutanese people would have received several Buddhist masters in Bhutan. The serene and cool mountain ridges of Bhutan would have provided a good place for meditation for the Buddhist masters from India. During the course of their visits to Bhutan, the people would have received the teachings of Buddha.

iii.                Construction of early Buddhist temples (Kyichu Lhakhang in Paro and Jampa Lhakhang in Bumthang). These two temples were believed to have been built Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo during the 6th Century CE.

7.       What is meant by ‘Thaduel-Yangduel’?

Ans. It is 108 temples built by Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in the 6th Century CE. ‘Thaduel’ means “temple taming borders” and ‘Yangduel’ means ‘temples taming beyond borders.

8.      Give three differences between the temples built before and after the visit of Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan.


Temples built before Guru Rinpoche’s visit

Temples built after Guru Rinpoche’s visit

Jowo Shakyamuni Buddha or Maitreya Buddha surrounded by eight principal Jangchub sempa as the main statues in the temple.

Nampar Nangzed (Vairocana) surrounded by eight principal Jangchub Sempa as the main statues.


9.   What was the name given to Guru Rinpoche? Where was he born?

Ans. Padmasambhava. He was believed to have been born in the Swat Valley of Pakistan.

1  Why is Guru Rinpoche called as ‘Miraculously Born’?

Ans. Guru Rinpoche is called ‘Miraculously Born’ because He was believed to have been born from a Lotus flower in a lake called Dhanakosha in Pakistan.

11 Why is Guru Rinpochhe referred to as the “Second Buddha”?

Ans. Guru Rinpochhe is referred to as the “Second Buddha” because He is believed to have been born according to the prophecy of Lord Buddha.  Buddha prophesied that He will be reborn in the future from a lake by the name called Padma Jungney.

  When did Guru Rinpochhe visit Bhutan for the first time?

Ans. Guru Rinpochhe visited Bhutan during the 8th Century (around 750 C.E.).

  Why did Guru Rinpochhe visit Bhutan in the year 750 CE?

Ans. King Sendha, a local king of Bumthang was believed to have invited Guru Rinpochhe to cure his illness/sickness.

1   Where was Guru Rinpochhe residing when he was invited by King Sendha?

Ans. Guru Rinpochhe was residing at Yangloeshoe (Maratika) in Nepal.

1.      Who caused the sickness of King Sendha?

Ans. Shelging Karpo, the local deity of Bumthang caused the sickness of King Sendha.

1.      How did Guru Rinpochhe subdue Shelging Karpo and cure the sickness of King Sendha?

Ans. Guru Rinpoche meditated at the place where Shelging Karpo was residing. With the supernatural power, He manifested into eight different manifestations to lure him out of his hiding place. Guru Rinpoche then transformed into Garuda (Ja-chhung-the Mythical Bird) and pounced on Shelging Karpo (who appeared from his hiding place in the form of a snake) subduing him and converting him to the protector of Buddhism. This method of subduing the anti-buddhist is known as tantric Buddhism.

Chapter TWO: Choegyal Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal: The Architect of the Nation-State Palden Druk.

1.      Explain briefly the genealogy of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.

Ngawang Namgyel was born to Mipham Tenpai Nyima (of Gya Lineage) and Sonam Pelkyi Buthri (daughter of Kyisho Dep) in Central Tibet in the year 1594 (Wood Horse Year) at Druk Jangchhubling.

1.      What were names given to Zhabdrung?

Ans. The name Ngawang Tenzin Namgyal was given by his father, Mipham Tenzin Namgyal by his grandfather, Ngawang Jigme Dragpa Chog Thamchedlay Nampar Gyalwa by his root teacher Lhawang Lodroe, Ngagi Wangpo Nampar Gyalwai Dhey by Kunkhyen Pema Karpo.

2.      What is the meaning of the term ‘Zhabdrung’?

Ans. ‘Zhabdrung’ means ‘at whose feet one submits.’

3.      Who conferred the title ‘Zhabdrung’ to Ngawang Namgyal?

Ans. 24th Sakya Thrizin conferred the title to Ngawang Namgyal.

4.      Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is believed to be whose reincarnation?

Ans. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is believed to be the reincarnation of Kunkhyen Pema Karpo.

5.      Why did Zhabdrung leave his ancestral home in Tibet and come to Bhutan? [OR]

Ans. Zhabdrung left Tibet for Bhutan because of the three main reasons:

i.                    Outer Reasons- Dispute with Tsang Desi Phuntsho Namgyal over the reincarnation of Kunkhyen Pema Karpo.

ii.                  Inner Reasons- Invitation from the Obtsho Lam and the people of Goen, especially Umze Tenzin Drugyal.

iii.                Sacred Reasons- signs and omens or prophetic dreams of Principal Deity Mahakala (vision of a black Raven flying towards the south).

6.       Why Bhutan is considered a “Home away from Home” for Zhabdrung?

Ans. Bhutan is “Home away from Home” for Zhabdrung because:

i.                    His ancestors had already visited Bhutan and established several monasteries and family establishments. For example, His great great grandfather, Lam Ngawang Chogyal built temples such as Chimi Lhakhang (Punakha) and Pangrizampa (Thimphu), great grandfather Ngagi Wangchuk built several temples later replaced with dzongs, etc.

ii.                  Several Drukpa Kadgyu lams visited Bhutan and established the Drukpa Kadgyu traditions. Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and its descendants established a strong hold of the traditions in Bhutan.

iii.                The Bhutanese patrons and supporters (followers) offered great support and hospitality when Zhabdrung came to Bhutan in 1616 CE.

7.      Who was the ‘Root Teacher’ of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal?

Ans. Lhawang Lodroe.

Chapter: Jigme Namgyal

1.      When was Jigme Namgyal born? Who were his parents and where was he born?

Ans. Jigme Namgyal was born in 1825 to Pila Gonpo Wangyal and Sonam Dolma at Kurtoe Dungkar in Lhuntsi.

2.      Why did Jigme Namgyal leave his ancestral home in Kurtoe at a very young age?

Ans. Jigme Namgyal left his ancestral home in Kurtoe because of the frequent dreams instructing him to go to the west where he will find his destiny.

3.      Who was the Choetse Poenlop when Jigme Namgyal reached Trongsa?

Ans. Ugyen Phuntsho.

4.      List down the posts Jigme Namgyal held in Trongsa.


ü  Tozey (retainer)

ü  Zimgarp (attendant)

ü  Zimnang ( )

ü  Trongsa Tsongpoen

ü  Darpoen

ü  Trongsa  Zimpoen/ Choetse Zimpoen (Choezim)

ü  Trongsa Droenyer/Choetse Dronyer (Chodron)

ü  Trongsa Poenlop/Choetse Poenlop


5.      Which event in the life of Jigme Namgyal portray his character of loyalty to his master, the Choetse Poenlop?


How did Jigme Namgyal become the Trongsa Poenlop in 1853?

Ans. In 1849, when Jigme Namgyal was at Punakha Dzong renovation he saved the Choetse Poenlop Tshokye Dorji from the assassination conspiracy (murder plan) by the enemies. Tshokye Dorji promised Jigme Namgyal the seat of Trongsa Poenlop after he retire for saving his life.

6.      What role Jigme Namgyal played in the event of 1850?


Explain the causes, events and the results of Battle of Limithang.


How did Jigme Namgyal re-unify Sharchog Khorlo Tshibgyed?

Ans.  Jigme Namgyal became Trongsa Dronnyer/Choetse Dronyer (Choedron) in 1850.





The four eastern Dzongpoens of Zhonggar, Dungsam, Yangtse and Trashigang revolted against the Trongsa Poenlop.

Jigme Namgyal was instructed by the poenlop to bring the rebellion under control. He led the armies and march towards Zhonggar. They met the enemy forces at Limithang where a battle took place.  

Armies of the enemy were defeated and brought the rebellion under control. Sharchog Khorlo was once again reunified.


7.      Jigme Namgyal made the post of Trongsa Poenlop powerful during his time as the poenlop. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer.

Ans. Yes, I agree that Jigme Namgyal made the post of Trongsa Poenlop powerful during his time as the Poenlop.

i.                    Firstly, in 1854, when there was a dispute between the Dzongpoens of Wangdue and Thimphu for the post of Druk Desi, Jigme Namgyal intervened and solved the dispute peacefully. After this incident, 43rd Druk Desi gave Jigme Namgyal the authority to appoint the Dzongpoens in eastern Bhutan and allowed him to keep a large share of annual compensation from Assam Duars.

ii.                  Secondly, in 1862, again the internal strife (power struggle) arose in the west between the Punakha Dzongpoen and the Desi. Jigme Namgyal once again intervened and solved the disputes. Jigme Namgyal appointed new Druk Desi and Wangdi Dzongpoen.

These incidences show that Jigme Namgyal’s presence in the west was very important to control the internal strifes in the country. Not only he had power in the eastern region, he too had the power over western Bhutan.


8.      Explain briefly about the event of Battle of Shamkhar in 1857.


Evaluate the causes, events, and results of the Battle of Shamkhar.





Tsondrue Gyaltshen claimed the seat of Trongsa Poenlop as promised where Jigme Namgyal should handover the post after three years. When Jigme Namgyal failed to keep the promise, he used forces in claiming the promises.

A brief battle was fought at Shamkhar in Bumthang. The central monk body intervened and mediated a peaceful solution.

Jigme Namgyal retained the seat of Trongsa Poenlop and Tsondrue Gyaltshen was promoted to Jakar Poenlop. Half of the eastern region were given under the control of the Jakar Poenlop.

Jigme Namgyal built Wangduechhoeling Palace as a symbol of his victory.


9.      Jigme Namgyal was believed to have won the Battle of Shamkhar. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. Yes, I agree that Jigme Namgyal won the battle because he could retain the post of Trongsa Poenlop and built Wangduechhoeling Palace as a symbol of his victory.


No, I don’t agree that Jigme Namgyal had won the battle because he had to share the power where half of the eastern region control was given to Tsondrue Gyaltshen which reduced his complete control of Sharchog Khorlo Tshibgyed.

10.  What role did Jigme Namgyal play during the event of the Great Duar War in 1865?

Ans. During the Duar War, Jigme Namgyal led the Bhutanese armies against the British Indian armies. Alongside him, Tsondrue Gyaltshen (Jakar Poenlop) also accompanied the battle against the British. Jigme Namgyal resisted the British attack bravely. Jigme Namgyal finally signed the treaty with the British (called the Treaty of Sinchula in 1865) to stop further attacks by the British.

11.  How did Jigme Namgyal become the 51st Druk Desi?

Ans. During the 1869 event, there was a conflict between Punakha Dzongpoen and Wangdue Dzongpoen Sigay (former) with Thimphu Dzongpoen and new Wangdue Dzongpoen Darlung Tobgay who had killed Khasar Tobgay (Thimphu Dzongpoen) and appointed Kawang Mangkhel (new Thimphu Dzongpoen).

Jigme Namgyal was invited by the Punakha Dzongpoen to help against the rivals. Jigme Namgyal defeated the Thimphu and the Wangdue Dzongpoen. In the meantime, Jigme Namgyal was appointed as the new Druk Desi (51st) in 1870 CE.

         12. Jigme Namgyal was 

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