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Class VIII World History- Model Questions and Answers (2023)


World History
Chapter: Source of History

1.      What is historiography?

Ans. The study of history of history is known as historiography. It also means, the study of how history has been written.

2.      Who started the historiography?

Ans. History writing began in the 5th Century BCE in Greece.

3.      Explain how histories are written (The process of writing history).




Process of writing history.

Historical events are created by the people which becomes the evidence for the historians. The historians re-examined, reviewed, verified, etc., these pieces of evidence. This evidence is used as a source for historians to interpret the event. The interpretation (narrative) of the historians is read by the people as a historical account.

4.      Why does historical interpretation change over time? Give TWO reasons.

Ans. Historical interpretations change over time because of the following reasons:

i)                    Because of the discovery of new evidence and sources,

ii)                  Different historians have different views and interpretations, etc.

5.      In the 1950s, the USA was portrayed as a hero and USSR as a villain in the Cold War, and vice versa in the 1960s. in the 1970s, historians interpreted that there were no heroes or villain and both were responsible for the Cold War.  Why did the interpretation of the Cold War differ at different periods? Give reasons.

Ans. This is because of the following reasons:

i)                    Because of the discovery of new evidence and sources,

ii)                  Different historians have different views and interpretations, etc.


6.      What is meant by ‘Source’ in history? Give examples.

Ans. ‘Source’ in history refers to anything that provides information. For example, official records, pictures, sound recordings, stories, songs, books, films, newspapers, treaties, or an object.

7.      What are the different types of sources in history?

Ans. There are FOUR different types of sources in history.

Primary Source

Secondary Source

Material Source

Non-material Source

Primary sources are those sources that are written accounts or objects produced by someone who is a witness to an event.

They are authentic and reliable.

It is firsthand information and becomes subjective.

Secondary sources are those sources that are second-hand accounts written and objects produced based on primary sources.


It is biased information.

It is of the commentaries and interpretations.

Material sources are those sources that are physical objects and have a sense of touch.

Non-material sources are those sources that cannot be touched or do not have a sense of touch.


8.      Give Four examples for each of the sources of history.


Primary Source

Secondary Source

Material Source

Non-material Source

Coins, treaties, pot, traditional houses, weapons, choeten, etc.

Folklores, songs, internet, books, map, etc.

Coins, treaties, pots, houses, weapons, books, etc.

Folklores, songs, norms, ideas and beliefs.


9.      Write the importance of the source in history.


i.                    Sources give ideas and information about the past.

ii.                  It helps to interpret the past.

iii.                It provides different evidence and information.


1    A historian plays an important role in writing history. Mention TWO roles.

Ans. The roles of historians are:

i.                    Historians interpret the past using various sources.

ii.                  Historians discover the evidence and interpret it through re-examining, reviewing, and verifying it.

iii.                Historians help to maintain the historical account through their interpretations.


11  Why historiography is important? [OR] Write the importance of historiography.

Ans. Historiography is important because:

i.                    It helps us to understand how the history has been interpreted.

ii.                  It helps us to understand how people viewed history over time.

iii.                It helps historians to interpret historical events.

iv.                It helps us to get an idea of history.

Chapter: The Stone Age

      Define ‘Evolution.’

Ans. Evolution is a biological process by which different kinds of living organisms undergo gradual change over a long period of time.

     How did the primates change into human form during the evolution process?


     What factors were responsible for the transformation of primates into humans?

Ans. The primates changed into humans because of two reasons:

i.                    Bipedalism, and

ii.                  The rapid increase in brain size.


         What is ‘Bipedalism’?

Ans. Bipedalism means, the process or ability to walk on two feet with an upright body. Humans are bipedal.

Which primate was responsible for the evolution of the human form?

Ans.  Hominoidea.

           How are genus homo members different from other species?

And. Genus homo members are characterized by erect posture (upright/standing body), a large cranium (skull), two feet, a distinct thumb, and the ability to make tools.

    Fill in the blanks:

Name of the species


Places Discovered


Homo Habilis

1.7 million years ago

Found in Lake Turkana in Kenya

·         Brain size of ---(i)------ cc.

·         Made crude tools from bones for hunting

·         Practiced food gathering, hunting, and scavenging.




1.9 million years ago

Indonesia- Java Man

China- Peking Man

·         Brain size 850-1100 cc

·         Made better tools

·         Hunting is the main occupation

·         Used fire.

Homo Sapiens

200, 000 years ago




·         Brain size 1450 cc

·         Appearance similar to modern human

Homo Sapiens Sapiens

------------(iv)------- years ago


Cro-Magnon Man

·         Excellent hunter

·         Control over environment

·         Developed art.



i.                    800

ii.                  Homo Erectus

iii.                Neanderthal

iv.                40, 000.


     Which of the following discovered the use of fire?


i.                    Homo Habilis

ii.                  Homo Sapiens

iii.                Homo Sapiens Sapiens

iv.                Homo erectus.

Topic: Governance and Peace

1.      What is meant by the term ‘governance’?

Ans. The term ‘governance’ means ‘to rule’ or ‘to control’ the country or state.

2.      Define the following terms:

i.                    Renaissance       ii. Reformations    iii. Industrial Revolution    iv. Colonisation  v. Imperialism

Ans.        i. Renaissance- rebirth of ideas and knowledge.

ii.                  Reformations- Changes in the way people practice or do.

iii.                Industrial Revolution- Rapid increase of industries. It started in Europe.

iv.                Colonisation- the process of occupying a new area or region.

v.                  Imperialism- A country having both economic and political dominance over another country/ a country ruling politically over another country.

3.      How did new forms of governance system emerged? [OR] What were the factors responsible for the emergence of the new forms of governance systems?

Ans. Following were the factors responsible for the emergence of new forms of governance system:

i.                    Starting of Renaissance and Reformations by the end of 15th Century CE. New ideas and knowledge made people to change the way they think and do.

ii.                Age of Discovery and Scientific Development. There were several inventions and discoveries due to knowledge of sciences.

iii.                Increase in trade activities. People started to travel across the oceans and continents due to the invention of ships and maps.

iv.                Industrial Revolution. With scientific knowledge, the growth of industries increased rapidly producing more. Especially, Europeans started the Industrial Revolution. They needed markets and raw materials from other countries to continue production.

v.                  The colonisation of the lands in Asia and Africa. Europeans started to occupy the regions wherever they found an abundance of raw materials to ship to Europe.

4.      Write the differences between:

a.      Totalitarianism and Democracy

b.      Socialism and Capitalism

c.       Communism and Dictatorship.




Totalitarian forms of government have complete control of social, economic, Political, and private life.

-It has a single party

-Indoctrination of citizens, and


This form of government is formed by the people. Democracy means ‘people’s power.’

-Individual rights of the people to vote and elect leaders.

-freedom of expression.

-provision of fundamental rights.





This form of government is mostly characterized by:

-government controls the economic resources and shares among the people.

-there is classless society

-less private ownership.

This form of government is characterized by:

-trade and industries are owned and controlled by private individuals

-free market conditions

-encourage private ownership

-less government interventions.




This form of government control both political and economic spheres.

-no private ownership

-state control of production and consumption

-class less society.


A country ruled by a dictator. The government functions according to the order of the leader.




5.      Write the advantages and disadvantages of the following:

a.      Totalitarian

b.      Communism

c.       Capitalism

d.      Democracy.


a. Totalitarian



1.      Equality and Less corruption

2.      Good use of resources

3.      Easy to make decisions.

1.      No freedom and rights.

2.      Suppressive rule

3.      Censorship lead to less creativity


b. Communism



4.      Equality in the country

5.      Equal distribution of resources

6.      Collective ownership

4.      Discourage private ownership

5.      No freedom of speech

6.      Decision making takes time.


c. Capitalism



7.      Free market system

8.      More economic growth

9.      Economic freedom

7.      Large gap between rich and poor

8.      Materialistic and less human values

9.      No equality among the people.

d. Democracy



10.  Provision of Fundamental Rights

11.  Has freedom of expression

12.  Right to vote and elect leader.

10.  Focus on quantity rather than quality.

11.  Misuse of funds

12.  Chances of corruption

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