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Class X Trail Examination Model Answer 2023


         a)             For each question there are FOUR alternatives: A, B, C and D. Choose the correct alternative and write it in your answer sheet against the question number.

         i                 Tertoen Drukdra Dorji prophesied that the birth of a King would bring propagation of Buddhism, happiness and peace upon his people.

Who is the ‘King’ referred to in the prophecy?


A             2nd King Jigme Wangchuck.

B              3rd King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.

         C         4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck.

D             5th King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck

      ii               The 37th Session of the National Assembly bestowed upon the Crown Prince Jigme Singye Wangchuck a significant role as the

A             Trongsa Poenlop.

B              Fourth Druk Gyalpo.

         C        head of the Government.

D             chairperson of the planning commission.

       iii                 The coronation of the Fifth Druk Gyalpo at Punakha and Thimphu signifies that Druk Gyalpo is the

A               head of the state.

           B              head of secular affairs. 

           C          protector of the religion.

D        protector of the Chhoe-sid.

          iv               Considering the need to manage the country’s present and future investment, the Druk Gyalpo issued a Kasho which led to the establishment of

A             Ministry of Economic Affairs.

          B              Druk Holding and Investments.

C              Druk Green Power Corporation Limited.

D             Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited.

          v.             Dharma Project was launched to ensure that the production of arts and crafts remained a viable trade for Bhutanese artisans. The most significant role it fulfilled was

A             providing skills to the vocational institutions.

B              producing high-quality products for export to other countries.

C              substituting imports to control the outflow of foreign currencies.

         D             sustaining the arts and crafts in a rapidly changing economic environment.

            vi             The codification of law was one of the most important legacies of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and it was initiated to

A             accelerate the process of unification.

         B              bring in rules and regulations for uncivilized Bhutan

C              effectively defend the nation from Tibetan invasions.

D             achieve unity by bringing Bhutanese under a single rule.

          vii.               In medieval Bhutan, Desi and Je Khenpo headed the governance system with support from Lopen Zhip, regional Poenlops and Dzongpoens. The above statement describes the prevalence of

A      Chhoe-sid system. B       Feudalistic system. C      Democratic system. D       Monarchical system.

           viii                 The rich tradition of Bhutanese identity through the national dress is attributed to

A      Tertoen Pema Lingpa. 

B     The first Druk Gyalpo. 

C Phajo Drugom Zhigpo.

D     Zhabdrung Nagawang Namgyal.

“Bhutan and India agreed to work closely on issues relating to national interest while ensuring that neither side will allow their territories to be used for activities harmful to each other.”

           ix               Which treaty enshrines the above term?

A       Treaty of Punakha B       Treaty of Sinchula

C          Anglo Bhutanese Treaty

D           India Bhutan Friendship Treaty

           x.             Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of Civil Society Organization?

A             provide livelihood to the members

B              formed voluntarily for the benefit of others

C              monetary advantage for the organizations’ effort

D             required to register as per the Civil Society Organizations

xi                               Monks are not allowed to caste votes during the election because

A             of central monastic body norms.

B       of the clauses in the Constitution of Bhutan.

C              his name was not updated in the electoral roll.

D             he failed to produce citizenship identity card on the poll day.

         xii           Like many European countries, Portuguese also began exploring other nations with the following motives EXCEPT

A             setting up trading posts in Asia.

B              spreading Christianity in Africa.

C              ending muslim rule in North Africa.

D             finding sea routes to Asia around Africa.

       xiii         Why did the Europeans prefer sea transportation over land transportation during the age of exploration?

         A             land transportation was slow and inefficient

B              sea transportation was cheaper and profitable

C              sea transportation provided them more choice of routes

D          land transportation was expensive and time consuming

       xiv           Devotees around the world could join Buddhist Sanga without any restrictions because Buddha

A             promoted gender equality for religious orders.

B              encouraged nonviolent sacrifices, morality and renunciation.

C              emphasized on reason and experience for achieving enlightenment.

D             emphasized on basic principles of kindness, compassion and humanity.


        xv.         People during early and later Vedic periods worshipped gods for the same purpose, however, their mode of worship was different as the

A             later Vedic people practiced complex prayers and expensive rituals.

B              early Vedic people worshipped for welfare of the people and their animals. 

C        early Vedic people worshiped nature’s elements for good harvest and health.

D       later Vedic people worshipped gods for protection from aggressive invaders.

a)             Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Write your answers against the question numbers in your answer sheet (do not copy the whole sentence).                        [5]

i            Karma is from an economically disadvantaged family, but since she is doing extremely well in her studies, she receives a scholarship through TARAYANA foundation initiated by Gyalyum Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck.

ii          Sangay’s income as a tour guide was affected due to the pandemic. His livelihood was supported through Druk Gyalpo’s RELIEF KIDU

iii        The annual subsidy from British was increased to Rs.100, 000 with the signing of a treaty in the year 1910.

iv        The medieval historiography was written based on RELIGION as the main theme.

v         The weights and measures found in Indus valley shows the prevalence of TRADE.

b)             Match each item under column A with the most appropriate item in column B. Rewrite the correct pairs by writing the letters against the number in your answer sheet (e.g., i – h).

Column A

Column B




i      Founder of RENEW

a. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal


b. Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck


ii     Democratic Consolidator

c. Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck


iii    Architect of the Nation

d. Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck


iv    President of Bhutan Red

e. Druk Gyalpo Jigme Khesar Namgyel


Cross Society




v     Recipient of Blue Planet Prize

f. Gyalyum Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck


g. Druk Gyalpo Jigme Wangchuck


c)    Write TRUE or FALSE against each statement in your answer sheet (do not copy the whole sentence).                                                                                                                    [10]

         i            The concept of Gross National Happiness was propagated to improve the economic situation of Bhutan. FALSE

ii          To empower the leaders of the local government, Druk Gyalpo began to award Patang to Gewog Chairpersons. TRUE

     iii        The Choe-sid Nyiden was the governance system introduced by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal to strengthen the Drukpa state. TRUE

    iv        British India requested for the revision of Sinchula Treaty as they were worried about the consequences of internal conflicts in Bhutan. FALSE

           v          The Punakha Treaty of 1910 was signed between Bhutan and India. FALSE

   vi        In the past, an informal kind of civil society existed in Bhutan when community members helped each other during the times of need. TRUE

   vii      During the medieval period, history was written to inform the people that god’s plan makes events happen. TRUE

 viii    Indus valley inhabitants used advanced tools for increasing their productivity. FALSE

  ix        The great bath found in Mohenjodaro was used for irrigation purpose. FALSE

  x          Lord Buddha focused on following extreme austerity to achieve enlightenment. FALSE

d)             Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the answer sheet.


i .               Do you think media should be strengthened to make democracy vibrant in our country? Support your view with TWO points.



i.                    It acts as watchdog and holds organizations and institutions to account.

ii.                  It is the medium through which people can share their voice.

iii.                It gives political parties the tools to reach large number of people and inform them on key issues ranging from policies to election.

iv.                Helps people to make informed choice.

(Any two)


i.                    Uncontrolled media might spread disharmony in the society under the influence of rich political parties.

ii.                  Free and fair election might get compromised if influential Medias inform voters stressing the party they support.

(Any two)

ii. Article 3 of the Constitution of Bhutan states, “Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassion and tolerance.”. Do you think the rapid increase in Bhutanese going abroad will lead to deterioration of our cultural values? Support your answer with THREE points.


i.     There is high probability that they will stick to the cultural values of the country they worked in. Mostly families speak English for communication as their children are brought up in other countries.

ii. Their influence might get spread to their family members and neighbours.



   ii. There are strict government laws whereby every Bhutanese are required to practice certain cultures. They need to wear national dress.


Direction: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the answer sheet. Question 2.

a. List FOUR initiatives of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo that eventually led to the   introduction of democracy in Bhutan.                     


i. Establishment of Dzongkhag Yargey Tshogchung in 1981 

ii. Establishment of Gewog Yargey Tshogchung in 1991 

iii. Delegating executive power to the council of Ministers in 1998.

iv. Issued kasho for the drafting of the constitution in 2001.

b. The Fourth Druk Gyalpo is affectionately called as the selfless leader. In line with this, write TWO benefits which Bhutanese enjoyed under each of the following initiatives.

i. Institution of democracy

ii. Selfless leadership of 2003


i. Institution of democracy--         - People have right to raise their voice.

                                                         -People get opportunity to take part in democracy.

ii    ii. Selfless leadership of 2003--  -  Country’s security is strengthened.

                                                      -People are safe

         Question 3

               a. What would have happened to the political situation of our country if Jigme Namgyel had refused to sign the Treaty of Sinchula? Discuss THREE probable consequences.


i.          British might have established their trading post in Bhutan.

ii.        Bhutan might have lost independence.

iii.    Bhutan might not have lost the duars.

b. The Constitution of Bhutan states that every Bhutanese is a trustee of the environment. Do you think Bhutanese are mindful of this sacred duty? Support your views with FIVE points.



.  Bhutan has strict laws in place which do not allow people to destroy environment.

ii. The Constitution of Bhutan mandates a minimum of 60 % of forest coverage for all time.

iii. Every year, 2nd June is observed as Social Forestry Day to create awareness of the importance of the environment..

iv. Cleaning campaigns are carried out from time to time in the community.

v. There are several protected areas such as parks, centuries and biological corridors in the country.

vi. People take ownership of the forest through community forest program in the communities.



i. The increasing development has cause pollution problems in the country.

ii. People are engaging in illegal fishing and poaching (hunting for wild animals.

iii. Deforestation is increasing in the country due to the development activities.

iv. Burning of fossil fuels has increased drastically due to increase in the vehicles. 

Question 4.>blog>wheel-indus-times

a. With reference to the image given above, mention FOUR influences of the wheel on                      the world today.


i.                    Easy transportation

ii.                  Growth of factories and industries

iii.                Efficient farm activities

iv.                Adds to innovation and efficiency.

b. Examine any FIVE impacts of Columbian exchange to the world.


i.                    Establishment of new trade relationship between the continents.

ii.                  Increasing in trading activities between the continents.

iii.                Enhanced the exchange of ideas, plants, animals, diseases, technologies and goods.

 iv. Slave trade extensively carried out from Africa to America which resulted in political, economic and cultural impact in America and Africa.

Question 5

a. Analyze FOUR advantages of following the Noble Eightfold Path.


i.              Control out thoughts

ii.            Know the truth

iii.          Free our mind from evil

iv.          Refrain from hurting others

v.            Work for the good of others

vi.          Respect life

vii.        Practice meditation

viii.      Resist evil action

b. With reference to the above news covered by the media house, examine TWO significances of the birth of Gyalsey in relation to Guru Rinpochhe and Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.

i.             His Royal Highness’s birth coincides with 27th day of fire monkey year, Guru Rinpoche was born in the monkey year. Guru Rinpoche is towering figure in the history of Bhutan.

The birth of HRH Gyalsey in the same year as Guru RInpoche who is closely connected with Bhutan makes his Highness’s birth very significant.

ii.             Zhabdrung Rinpoche is highly revered as the unifier of the nation. Today his legacies are important part of our society.

The incarnations of Zhabdrung were close ralatives of the Royal Family as late Yab Ugyen Dorji was brother of Zhabdrung Sungtrul Jigme Tenzin and nephew of 6th Zhabdrung Thugtrul Jigmi Dorji. His Royal Highness, the Gyalsey was born in the year in which Bhutan was celebrating the 400th year of Zhabdrung’s arrival in Bhutan.

b.   Question 6.

        a)             Explain with an example each how the following initiatives of the Druk Gyalpo help in the promotion of welfare of the people.

               i.      National Rehabilitation Program

         ii.      Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited          


    i. National Rehabilitation      Program (NRP) or Zhisar

  •    Landless farmers and socioeconomically disadvantaged farmers are provided with income generating opportunities through socio-economic facilities and services. The intervention programs ranging from construction and renovation of houses, supply of agricultural inputs, and income generating interventions are implemented under this initiative. People in lakhs have been benefitted through the program. 
  •     Through the program there are thousands of people living         in zhisar land with modern facilities such as road, school,  health, electricity etc. at their disposal.  

     ii. Natural Resources Development Corporation  Limited: 

  •      Ensure continued supply of stones, sand and timber at affordable rates, which paves the way for people to construct their own houses-One house for every Bhutanese.
  •     Focus on service delivery, good management, accountability, transparency, accessibility and pricing of raw materials.
  • People can now procure natural resource like sand and stone directly from NRDCL at cheaper rate.
C. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal codified laws based on the six great commands of laws enforced by Dharma King Songtsen Gampo in Tibet.

Do you think those laws codified by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal are relevant today? Provide THREE justifications.


i.   Laws prohibit people from harming others.

ii.  Law violators are punished as per the degree of Crime. 

iii. Disputes are settled by the leaders based on prescribed law.



i. Some national laws and policies allow people to carry out economic activities such as slaughtering of animals, trading of tobacco and alcohol which are against the Ten Virtuous Acts.

ii. Some laws are not based on the teachings of Buddha as laws are made in accordance with the need of time. For example, laws for social media.

iii. Laws today exist in comprehensive manner covering every aspect of life. For example, there are laws for marriage, divorce, land, business, employment, etc.

C. Bhutan maintained its sovereignty over centuries in the face of numerous internal and external threats.

With reference to the statement given above, write THREE benefits which Bhutan                                                                          enjoys as a sovereign nation.


·                Bhutan can make decision with regard to internal and external affairs.

·                Bhutan can join regional and international organizations.

·                Numerous treaties signed with India symbolize Bhutan as a sovereign nation.

Today Bhutan has diplomatic relations with 54 countries. Fifteen countries have Honorary Consuls/Honorary Consuls General in Bhutan and Bhutan is represented by thirteen Honorary Consuls/Honorary Consuls General abroad.

Question 7

Historiography as the study of writing history changed over time in terms of methodology, idea and process.

a)       With reference to the statement given above, explain TWO features of medieval historiography.


i.               Focus on god

b.The rise and spread of Christianity changed the theme process of writing history in the middle ages. Medieval historians wrote history depicting man as creation of god with events (past and present) to be controlled by god.

They used Bible as source and believed that human beings have no control over history as it is decided by god.

ii.             Chronological method

Medieval historians stated that history has a beginning     and advances in a straight line towards a definite goal. They developed the method of maintaining a single chronological framework beginning with the creation of human beings by God and the spread of God’s teachings.

iii.           The idea of universal history

The Greeks wrote about Greece and the Romans wrote about Rome but the medieval historians attempted to write universal history beginning from the origin of human beings proposing the idea of creation.

b. The dual system of Chhoe-sid prevailed in Bhutan till the introduction of Monarchy in 1907. Describe the roles of the following posts during Chhoe-sid System.




Je Khenpo

Look after the religious affairs


Head of administration in their jurisdiction


Personal Assistant to Zhabdrung


Head of village


       Question 8

      a. Bhutan signed several treaties with British India from the time of Desi Zhidar till the First Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck. How have the treaties benefitted Bhutan? Examine any TWO points.


i.                    Bhutan is a sovereign nation.

ii.                  Bhutan has friendly relation with India

iii.                Bhutan receives highest developmental assistance from India.

b. The Druk Gyalpo initiated the Royal Highlander Festival for the security of the nation. If you were the gup of Laya Gewog, what would you do to maintain the highlanders’ settlement amidst the highland border challenges? Write TWO measures.


i.                    Provide monthly ration.

ii.                  Provide stipend

iii.                Provide modern facilities feasible in the mountains.

iv.                Provide medical interventions for preventing the spread of infectious disease that pose threat to livestock.

v.         Create market for marketing livestock products.


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