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  •  Born on 2nd   May 1928 at Thruepang Palace in Trongsa.

Courtesy: Bhutan Ims

  • Responsibility held before ascending on the throne:

i.                     Trongsa Dronyer in 1943
ii.                   Paro Poenlop in 1950

Courtesy: Go Bhutan Tours

Marriage with Azhi Kezang Choden (1950)

Azhi Kezang Choden is the younger daughter of Gongzim Sonam Tobgay Dorji (son of Gongzim Ugyen Dorji and  Princess Choeying Wangmo Dorji (daughter of Choegyal of Sikkim).

  • Enthronement and initial changes:

Jigme Dorji Wangchuk ascended on the throne as the third Druk Gyalpo in 1952 and assumed the positions of-
  ü  Head of the State and Government
  ü  Commander-in- Chief of Army
  ü  The ultimate Court of Appeal

  • Royal court shifted from Bumthang to Western Bhutan and later the capital was shifted to Thimphu from Punakha.

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