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Chapter: The concept of the Choe-sid System (Dual System of Government)/Kathrim/National Identity

Before entering into retreat. Zhabdrung wanted to leave behind a strong government which could replace him effectively. Therefore, he introduced an original system of government with two persons responsible for two different fields. This system was known as Choesi (religious and political matters) or Choesi Nyiden (Dual System of Government)


Zhabdrung's Choesid System


Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel (Theocratic head)

Political head (Desi)

Droenyer (Chief of Protocol)

Kalyoen (The executive minister)

Poenlops (Governors or Chila Nam Sum)

Religious head (Je Khenpo)

Dzongpoens (Chief of the Dzong) or (Densa Zhung Sum-Thimphu, Wangdue and Punakha)

Drungpas( Sub divisional administrative officers)

Gups (The Village elders)


Personal attendants


Soelpoens-(the chief Stewards)

Nyerchen-officer in charge of rations


Darpoen- Army in charge

Norpoen- Officer in charge of cattle

**** Three chilas, three dzongpoens, kalyoen and Droenyer formed the Lhengye Tshog*



Importance of the Choesid System (Dual system of the government)

·         Dual system of government ensured the continued progress towards Bhutan's emergence as a modern state.

·         The general structure of the government at present is similar to that established by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel

·         Lhengye Zhung Tshog, Dzongda, Drungpa gup etc are derived from the time of Zhabdrung.

·         The laws of the state still dominant in the Bhutanese administrative system.


How Dual system co-exist harmoniously?

The religious/spiritual body was looked after by Je Khenpo and the political/temporal/secular body looked after

by Desi.

The Je Khenpo and Desis are designated their responsibility to run the administration and religious function


During the time of emergences like war and pandemic both Je Khenpo and desi work collaboratively taking thei

own responsibilities.

When there were difficulties faced by Desis they seek spiritual support from Je kehenpo as they consider religion was above political matter, likewise Desi will support in terms of material to the Je Khenpo.

The leaders were directed and guided by the set of rules like the Golden Yoke resembling the temporal

and Silken Knot resemble to religious law.


Topic 2. The first set of laws by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and its significance


Codification of Law

·         One of the greatest achievements of the Zhabdrung was codification of laws. The code of laws known as

·         Kathrim.

·         The codification of laws by Zhabdrung which was written down and completed in 1729 by 10th Je Khenpo Tenzin

·         Chogyel.

·         These laws were deeply influenced by the teachings of Buddhism.

·         These laws, people were required to practice Michoe Tsangma Chudrug( The sixteen virtues act) and Lhachoe




·         Gyewa Chu ( the ten pious act).

·         The legal system was thus both spiritual and temporal in nature.

·         The spiritual law were said to resemble a silken knot that is easy and light at first, but gradually become tight. The temporal laws were said to resemble to golden yoke that grows heavy by the degrees of crime.

      (རྒྱལ་ཁྲིམས་སེར་གྱི་གཉའ་ཤིང།།  ཆོས་ཁྲིམས་དར་གྱི་མདུད་ཕུད།།).


     Set of Laws introduced by Zhabdrung


Relationship between Lay people and monk body.


i. Sathram: When family received an initiation for the first time and became follower of the Drukpas, the names of its members as well as their places of residence and their lands were recorded in Sathram. A register which was kept in each Dzong.


ii. Tax system: Material taxes, compulsory labour taxes (woola)in the building and maintenances of dzongs,

monasteries, mule tracks, and bridges. The transport of loads.

People had to feed, lodge and had to provide horse free of charge for any government officials on tour.

All aspect of social life were also regulated by the code of laws. iT included inheritance, trade, crime and

punishment, behaviour of monks and officials, prohibition on the use of tobacco.


iii. Criminal law dealing with matters such as robbery, theft and murder, the punishments were established in such a way that directly balanced the weight of the crime.


Significance of the laws codified by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.


·         It builds Relation between monk body and lay people.

·         To create unity among Bhutanese through set of laws

·         To prevent from the crime and corrupt practice.

·         To bring Equity among Bhutanese

·         To collect equal taxes for the betterment of the country.

·         It informed the responsibilities of the different officials.

·         It helps the people to be just and fair in dealing with each other.

·         The law ensured that justice was imparted to all and peace and order prevailed in the country.

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