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Jigme Dorji Wangchuck "Father of Modern Bhutan"


Early Life and Enthronement 


·                 Born on 3rd May 1928 at Thruepang Palace in Trongsa.

  • Responsibility held before ascending on the throne:

i.                     Trongsa Dronyer in 1943 (awarded the Red Scarf)
ii.                   Paro Poenlop in 1950

Marriage with Azhi Kezang Choden

Azhi Kezang Choden is the younger daughter of Gongzim Sonam Tobgay Dorji (son of Gongzim Ugyen Dorji and  Princess Choeying Wangmo Dorji (daughter of Choegyal of Sikkim).

  • Enthronement and initial changes:

Jigme Dorji Wangchuk ascended on the throne as the third Druk Gyalpo in 1952 and assumed the positions of-
  ü  Head of the State and Government
  ü  Commander-in- Chief of Army
  ü  The ultimate Court of Appeal

  • Royal court shifted from Bumthang to Western Bhutan and later the capital was shifted to Thimphu from Punakha.
courtesy: google image.

Social reforms

  ü  The ceiling of land ownership was brought down to maximum of 30 acres
  ü  Surplus (extra) land was redistributed to the landless people
  ü  Reduced the land taxes
  ü  Exempted the land taxes for the poorer sections of the population
  ü  Abolished the practice of slavery and serfdom. (His Majesty issued a Royal Decree with regard tto the practice of slavery and serfdom in the Kingdom. Slaves were relocated different places across the country). 

Constitutional reforms:

With the constitutional reforms, the Third Monarch transformed the feudal absolute monarchy into a modern and enlightened one.

     1.       Tshogdu (National Assembly)

-It is the highest legislative body, act as advisory body to the executive and discuss all matters of national importance.
-Established in 1953.
-initially consisted of 130 members and later increased 150 in 1968.
-Tshogdu convened twice in a year.
-decision have to be approved by the National Assembly with two-third ( 2/3rd ) majority with endorsement by the king but later in 1968, the Third King approved the decision of Tshogdu as final.
-the members served for Three years and the Speaker was appointed from among the members.

2. Lodroe Tshogde (Royal Advisory Council)

-Established in 1963 but formally constituted in 1965.
-It acted as advisory body to the King and, as a link between legislative and executive branch of the government. The body ensures the resolution of the Tshogdu is implemented in the country.
-headed by Kalyon (Executive Minister) which was appointed by the King, it had nine members.
-members tenure was of Five years.

3. Lhengye Zhungtshog (Council of Ministers or Cabinet)

-established in 1968
-highest executive body of the government as well as highest level of policy formulation and implementing body.
-members included His Majesty’s Representative, Lodroe Tshogde members and Cabinet Ministers.

Judicial System

Jigme Dorji Wangchuk introduced several reforms in terms of dispensing justice to the people.
i.                     Judiciary was separated from the executive in 1968 with the establishment of High Court in Thimphu.
ii.                   Established District Courts with Thrimpoen (Judges) by 1969 to dispense justice to the people in the Dzongkhags.  

iii.                  The legal code (laws codified during Zhabdrung) was revised in 1957 and passed in National Assembly in 1968 which was mostly revised based on modern lines.      

Administrative and other Reforms

The administrative system grew larger and more defined during the Third King.

*Central Government (Central Administration)
i.                     Introduction and the creation of Departments (eg. Development Wings, Department of Manpower, etc.) and Ministries (Five Ministries were formed in the initial period). Ministers were appointed for each Ministries with respective responsibilities in different sectors. Ministers became the members of Lhengye Zhungtshog.
**District Administration (Local Government)
The king brought further reforms in the local government in order to carry government plans and policies efficiently through:
i.                     Formation of Districts and Drungkhags (13 Districts and  two Sub-divisional Offices) by 1969.
ii.                   The title of Dzongpoen was changed to Dzongdag (District Administrator).
iii.                  The Dzongkhags were placed under Home Ministry.
iv.                 Judiciary power of the Dzongdag was transferred to District Thrimpoens.

Police and Army (reforms)

His Majesty started organizing army in the country by 1955, moving away from the ancient Pazap (voluntary militia) system into modern military force.
i.                     First batch of army officers sent to India for training returned to Bhutan and commissioned in 1956.
ii.                   In 1962, Indian Military Academy was established at Haa to provide training facilities.
iii.                  In 1965, Headquarters of Royal Bhutan Army (RBA) was established at Lungtenphu and formed new group of forces called Royal Bodygaurd (RBG).
iv.                 In 1965, with the establishment of first police academy at Jigmeling (Gelegphu), Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) was setup.
v.                   Invented nomenclature(naming) for ranks; coined new words and phrases for giving military commands; designed insignia for ranks, badges and colour with appropriate words and phrases derived from ancient literature and tantric designs.

Culture and Tradition

His Majesty in preserving the rich cultural heritage had brought reforms in the country.
i.                     Schools were established to promote traditional painting, dancing, singing and sculpture with the new Rigney School at Simtokha in 1961.
ii.                   National Museum was founded in Paro Ta Dzong to promote Bhutan’s culture and tradition.
iii.                  Sufficient books were published both in Choekye and Dzongkha.

Introduction of Written Dzongkha Language

Dzongkha language did not have a proper scripts and was only used a spoken language. Choekye was mostly used in official correspondences and documents. Introducing and development of Dzongkha scripts was one of the important among the others as this was one of the unifying factor for the country. Dzongkha scripts were introduced with the help of some eminent teachers (such as Lam Nado). 

Development Plans [Five Year Plans]

His Majesty launched Bhutan on the path of planned social and economic progress. With the visit of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1958, Bhutan got assistance from Indian Government in terms of financial, administrative and technical personnel to help Bhutan implement the Bhutan’s development plans.

First Five Year Plan (1961-1966)
Second Five Year Plan (1966-1971
Third Five Year Plan (1971-1976
*Major objective in this first plan was building roadlinks to India to end the country’s state of isolation.

Budget Outlay- Nu.107 million.

Roads-1700 kms of roads were built connecting Thimphu and Paro to Phuentsholing, Trongsa to Gelegphu, Tsirang to Sarpang and Trashigang to Samdrup Jongkhar.
Transport and communication- Bhutan Government Transport Service (BGTS) was established in 1962. Post Offices were opened in Thimphu, Paro and Phuentsholing.
Education- many new schools were established with teachers recruited from India to teach in the country.
Health- three Hospitals and eleven dispensaries were set up.
Other departments (Forestry, Agriculture & Animal Husbandry) were established and Fruit Processing Factory and distillery at Samtse was established, etc.
*priority was given in the agriculture sector and food productions.

Budget Outlay- Nu.102 million.
Agriculture-introduced modern farming methods (improved seeds, use of fertilizers, cash crops, etc), Agriculture Research and extensions were established, livestock breedin centres was established, etc.
Education- increased the budget by double and saw achievement in education sector (105 schools and 11,600 students), Teacher Training Institute was established in Samtse and Technical school at Phuentsholing was also established, students were sent to India for further studies, etc.
Health-six hospitals and thirty four dispensaries were established, started the programmes to eradicate diseases such as malaria, smallpox, leprosy and tuberculosis, training of nurses and health workers began, etc.
-started town planning in Thimphu and reconstruction of Tashichoedzong.
-in 1968, Bank of Bhutan was established (it signify the moving of country from barter system to monetary economy).

*continuation of development plans such as education, agriculture, health, transport and communication, etc. were strengthened with increased budget.

Budget Outlay-Nu.475 million.

[3% of the total budget was received from UNO and 7% of the budget was generated from internal resources signifying steps towards goal os self-sufficiency.



Foreign Policy and International Relations

1958- Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru visit Bhutan with his daughter
Pandit Nehru's enroute to Paro, Bhutan.  

1962- Bhutan joined Colombo Plan (First International Organization that Bhutan became a member).

1968- Indira Gandhi visited Bhutan. She inaugurated the Thimphu-Phuentsholing Highway and laid the foundation of Indian Embassy (resident office) in Thimphu.
Indian Prime Minister Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's visit in Bhutan in 1958 (at Paro). 

1969- Bhutan joined as the member of Universal Postal Union(UPU).

1970- created Department of Foreign Affairs and later upgraded to Foreign Ministry in 1972.

1971-establishe Bhutan Embassy at New Delhi, India and, V.V.Giri, President of India visited Bhutan.

Bhutan became member of UNO on 21st September 1971. Bhutan supported independence of new Bangladesh State.

(Image and Footage: Youtube and Google

*Additional References: Wangchuck Dynasty (a book)  by Lham Dorji

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