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Ugyen Wangchuk: Trongsa Poenlop


The problem between Pema Tenzin (Jakar poenlops) and Dungkar Gyaltshen (Trongsa Poenlop) both the uncles once again resurfaced. Ugyen Wangchuk like his father, did not interfere. Pema Tenzin sought help from his Droensep Singye Namgyel (Assistant Guest-master) to remove the Trongsa Poenlop through treachery on condition that Singye Namgyal be appointed the Trongsa Dronyer. After having eliminated Dungkar Gyaltshen, Pema Tenzin ascended to the throne and appointed his own relative as Dronyer. Singyel Namgyal having not appointed him as promised by Pema Tenzin, murdered Pema Tenzin and assumed himself as Trongsa Poenlop.

Ugyen Wangchuk finally decided to interfere as his uncle’s murder mean a political treachery by Singye Namgyal. Encouraged by his mother, Ugyen Wangchuk took revenge killing Singye Namgyal and declaring him as the new Trongsa Poenlop in 1884.

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